When you leave town, emotional baggage goes with you.Take your therapeutic tools with you, too.Take your therapy to go. Psychologist Dr. Matthew Mandelbaum offers therapy in 41 states. Learn knowledge, skills, and abilities to help be where you are, do your best, and...
Let’s face it. Life is stressful. All the effort for life achievements can be exhausting. Plus, caring for yourself, your family, friends, and loved ones can make things even more overwhelming. If anxiety, frustration, fear get your way, you may need some...
Mindfulness can be defined as the ability to feel whole, integrated, and connected to your inner self and the world around you. Through mindfulness, you can build a life of worth, meaning, purpose.Through mindfulness, you can improve your ability to reduce negative...
Learn to Live a Skillful, Peaceful Life Depression With depression, you may feel sad, miserable, desperate, sorrowful, melancholic, glum, gloomy, anguish, disconnected, or unhappy. Low Self-Esteem With low self-esteem, you may feel inadequate, insufficient, inferior,...
Here are several myths and misconceptions about psychotherapy and ways to overcome them.Therapy can be a helpful, engaging experience where skills attained and lessons learned lead to building a sustainable life of worth.Approaching these myths and misconceptions...
Anxiety is an emotion that is related to the major emotion Fear.Fear can range in intensity on a continuum including uneasiness, apprehension, nervousness, tenseness, fright, panic, terror, shock, horror, and dread. Anxiety fits within this continuum. Fear is helpful...
What Is Trauma?When your greater understanding of how the world works and how your life functions gets shattered, treatment may be warrented.If you have been exposed to threatened or actual harm that leads to instrusive or troublesome symptoms, avoidance, negative...
Behavioral Health Therapy Helps with Enduring Acceptance and Lasting Change What is Behavioral Health Therapy? With Behavioral Health Therapy: Begin to see the connections between feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Recognize your values and determine how your actions...
If You’re Asking … Should I go to therapy for childhood trauma? Many adults seek therapy with me who have a traumatic past. Childhood trauma can include: Childhood Sexual TraumaChildhood Emotional TraumaChildhood Physical Trauma Trauma history, trauma...
So You Are Asking How Do I know when i need mental health therapy? There are multiple entry points to beginning or resuming therapy. Here are six possibilities: Specific Event Some prompting event brings about intense thoughts and feelings that are hard to handle....