Let’s face it. Life is stressful. All the effort for life achievements can be exhausting. Plus, caring for yourself, your family, friends, and loved ones can make things even more overwhelming. If anxiety, frustration, fear get your way, you may need some...
THE POINT OF DBT HEAR MyPODCASTS Does anxiety or depression get in your way?Have difficulty getting ahead of work?Seeking to improve your personal life?Do you want to take better care of yourself?DBT CAN HELP YOU COPE WITH LIFE’S CHALLENGES!DBT can help you handle...
How Can Dialectical Behavior Therapy Help Me? Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) can help you “Build a Life Worth Living,” as Dr. Marsha Linehan, the founder, says. I believe that the process becomes a means to build a “Life of Worth”. This...
Emerging Adults, University Students, and Educators: This Short Video Can Help Get You Started.Call Now For Free Consultation at 212.933.0758 to discuss therapy options.Dr. Matthew G. Mandelbaum, PhD, MSEd, MA offers Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Emerging Adults,...
What is Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)? DBT was developed to help people build a “Build a Life Worth Living,” as creator Dr. Marsha Linehan says. Dr. Matthew Mandelbaum finds that it can help people “Build a Life of Worth”.DBT combines...