Attention Executives Increase Your Effectiveness Executive Effectiveness Training with Dialectical Behavior Skills can be helpful for your overall development. Let’s face it: Your life is complicated. You are seeking to build a life of worth to its fullest extent on...
How Does Change Happen? No one knows how fast you will learn until you try.You might be surprised at your abilities. My job is to help you take your strengths and use them to learn how to be successful in all ways of your life.Change in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy...
How Can Dialectical Behavior Therapy Help Me? Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) can help you “Build a Life Worth Living,” as Dr. Marsha Linehan, the founder, says. I believe that the process becomes a means to build a “Life of Worth”. This...
With DBT Skills Group or individual training, there are weekly sessions covering the four modules of Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. Throughout the course, I will teach you how to integrate skills when solving...
What Do I Have To Do? I am interested in helping you develop the capacity be motivated and open to experience change and growth.You need to know that change can be hard and that you are doing a wonderful thing by taking it on. You are to be commended and honored.You...